office cleaning service
office cleaning service Edmonton

What you can expect from an office cleaning service

Using a professional cleaning service is an excellent idea if you’re currently relying on your employees to clean up after themselves. Especially now that COVID has been introduced to the world, it’s imperative that everything in your office is cleaned and sanitized to a professional level by experts that know what they’re doing.

Do not expect your employees to have the knowledge, enthusiasm, or desire to clean your office, as they are being paid to do their job and not clean the office.

Jomei Services in Edmonton is a company that is ready to take on all of your office cleaning tasks. They have the experience and skill to ensure your office is cleaned, sanitized, and prepared for your employees to return.

What should you be expecting from an office cleaning service, though?

Cleaning Products

A professional cleaning company should be matching the cleaning supplies and equipment to your office, and you shouldn’t be paying extra for it. Whatever your office environment is, a professional office cleaning service should have the right tools to do the work perfectly.

The cleaning products should also be non-toxic but still effective in cleaning and sanitizing every inch of your office space.


Not all offices work typical 9-5 days or only work five days a week. Therefore, the office cleaning service you hire should accommodate whatever timeframes you work, so there is the least intrusion possible on your workers.

In most cases, having cleaners disturbing your workers will drop productivity, and if the workers are there after the cleaners are gone, you never truly get a complete clean in your office space.

Trained Staff

You’re inviting strangers into your office who may have sensitive information or delicate products. You want to ensure that your cleaning company has trained and vetted their employees so that there are no issues and the job gets done right.

If you can’t trust the people coming into your office, it doesn’t make sense to let them come in at all. This is a critical component of choosing a cleaning service but is often overlooked.


If you work in a specific area that requires special cleaning procedures, you need to ensure the cleaning company knows how to handle these requirements. There’s no point in having somebody come in to clean if they do a poor job and fail to clean up.

Ensure you verify with any office cleaning service if they can handle your specific needs. It will save you time and money in the long run to verify they can handle your particular requirements.

Full Range of Services

Some office cleaning services offer a very basic set of services. They will come in, vacuum, empty rubbish, and wipe down hard surfaces. However, your office likely has a lot more to it than that, and if you want to ensure everything is done thoroughly, you need to ensure the company provides a full range of services to clean anything you need.

As your office changes, your requirements may change as well. So the services being provided at the beginning may not match what is required later. It’s better to future proof your cleaning service than have to get a new service in later.


With COVID hitting the world and many office workers staying home until recently, the need for complete sanitization is critical with employees returning to the office. You need to ensure that your cleaning service can provide full sanitization with industry-approved standards on eliminating COVID and any other germs that weren’t thought of before.

This means the cleaning service needs to use the right sanitizing products and equipment and have the skills and knowledge to clean every inch of your office thoroughly.

Professional Service

Money is always a factor in the services you decide on. However, going for the cheapest option doesn’t always work out for you when the service isn’t professional. For example, if this is a fly-by-night company or the employees have just been pulled from craigslist, you can’t be sure how good or how thorough the cleaning will be.

You need a proper professional cleaning service with experience and knowledge to keep your office clean, sanitized, and safe. Don’t let cost be the only factor you consider when hiring an office cleaning service.

You also need to consider how the cleaning staff acts. For example, if the cleaning service needs to come in during office hours, they should be quiet and not distract or interrupt your workers.

Best Practices

Your professional cleaning service should know what approach works best for the standard work they are doing and any special cleanup jobs required due to any special events or one-off issues.

Having the knowledge to quickly and effectively clean any mess will keep your office fresh and new. If your cleaning service doesn’t follow best practices, you may start to see your office deteriorate with stains, marks, and general wear on everything.


Your office cleaning company should be providing amazing results each and every time they come into your office. You shouldn’t have to deal with missed jobs and messes left for employees to find or other issues when your cleaning service is not providing a consistent and thorough cleaning.

You want to know that you will come into a clean, sanitized, and fresh office every day, no matter what.


One of the worst things you can face with a cleaning service, aside from a poor job, is reliability issues. If you’re expecting your office cleaning service to be there, it’s a significant issue that they don’t turn up.

Sometimes situations can arise, but if a cleaning service continuously provides unreliable cleaning, it’s an issue that would require you to find a new cleaning service. However, finding a new office cleaning service will involve more time from your day when you should be focusing on your actual job.


If the expectations above match what you are looking for and you’re ready to add a true professional office cleaning service in Edmonton to your office, then make sure Jomei Services is at the top of your list.

You need to ensure your office is clean and sanitized in a professional, expert, and reliable way.

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